What is KickAss Shakespeare?

In short KickAss Shakespeare is the most readable Shakespeare anywhere.

Above all else the goal of KickAss Shakespeare is to make Shakespeare's plays and poems accessible and readable: readable without being preachy or teachy. The fully produced plays provide instant replacement text for archaic words, phrases and references that are no longer common knowledge. These optional substitutions are not definitions (though the do provide the meaning for the original text) but rather alternate text that allows the flow of the reading to continue uninterrupted.

All KickAss plays and poems provide one-click access to the huge Glossary and growing companion to Shakespeare that has over 20,000 entries with extensive examples and click-able cross-references to where the terms are used in the plays, sonnets and poems.

Alongside the conventional text is the text as it appeared in original publications from the late 1500's and early 1600's so you always have the original spelling, punctuation and syntax available for comparison. We call these texts the 'primary texts'. For the majority of the plays these come from the First Folio published in 1623.

A fully produced KickAss play or poem isn't a book nor is it a static web-page rather a produced KickAss play is an interactive, highly configurable presentation with the essential goal to make Shakespeare readable. When Shakespeare is readable enjoyment it isn't far away.  

KickAss Shakespeare produces and distributes software and mobile apps designed and dedicated to make Shakespeare readable for anyone at any level. Using a unique format that provides on demand ,incline translations along with the traditional sidebar explanations. In addition

KickAss Plays are highly configurable with a choice of text options from the original source texts to prose formatted traditional renderings.

We hope that you find www.KickAssShakespeare.com useful.

From all of us at


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about Shakespeare and the teaching of it?

Please let the boss know .

